That month of the year, so many things happening …. Among all of them holidays Hanukah Christmas and my birthday ,,, turning a year older you can say wiser or just happier …life there is so much to accomplish and so little time , however I try my best to suck each day to its end at times the feel is right at at times not .this month I've been to hong kong and china which I enjoy so … and can say that that trip was fruitful in work terms and in person .had good times with friends sew nice places and above all the Christmas songs and ornaments does it for me I know it is not one of our holidays who cares as long that it makes people be better nicer and more fun than normal , then came back home to my kids and for them Hanukah is the best holiday they went for a play and had lots of present and good times with their mom and dad . and i had nice presents for my birthday some of which I wasn’t expected such as Tiffany's necklace , samy –d ceramics , flowers and other nice treats …I just want to say thank you Mr. god for all those small wonders ,,, and not to forget kabuki my magic cat that brought so much light to my life :(

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